The Ordinary Object.
The brief was to choose an everyday/ordinary object and research in depth about the use of the object. Using the information found I had to design a visual piece to represent the literal and visual research in an appropriate and authentic manner.
My chosen object was mirrors, mirrors are an everyday object that people will have in their homes, inside their bags, on cars, basically on most everyday objects will have a mirror element. My rationale sums up the history, functionality, process of mirrors which was then etched on to a piece of mirrored acrylic, giving it a double meaning. Even though the text may be difficult to read, the overall visual design presents my interpretation of the brief.
In addition to the etched acrylic, I created a five second animation that displays another form of mirrors, the shattered fragments of a mirror when it is broken. The animation presents another meaning to what happens to mirrors when they shatter which when someone breaks a mirror they will have seven years’ bad luck... could it all be a myth!?
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